Friday, May 17, 2013

Writer's Diet Cont.

Dear Reader,

In case you didn't gleen from my last post, I am in the midst of a very important diet as a writer. I have set up a list of books for myself to read this year. My plan is to experience the diet for a year and publish a book about how to become a better writer through reading. After each book I read, I write a chapter on that category/book. In my next post I will go more in-depth into the Writer's Diet, but for now I am interested in what you like to read in the following categories:

- Classics
Books that are well written and have stood the test of time, let's say at least 75 to 100 years.

- Contemporary classics
Just like classics, but have yet to stand the test of time

- Genres
What genres do you like to read and what books in those genres?

- Bestsellers
What bestseller lists, if any, do you look at when choosing a book. What do you look for in a bestseller?

- Ancient classics
Mythologies and fairy tales

-Literary junkfood

Please let me know what you like to read in these areas. I am always interested in talking about books and, unlike many people, I take suggestions seriously. Until then,

Speak freely. Write candidly. Read endlessly.

Beau James

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